Historic Homes


my story

Architecture has always been one of my favorite subjects for photography.  Lines, shape and function are all fascinating.

Trish Mayo


I'm a New York based photographer and artist whose work has been exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum and the Morris-Jumel Mansion Museum, New York and Tate Modern, London. My photos have appeared in various newspapers, magazines and books including the New York Times.

I have been a photographer for over 10 years.  During that time I have participated in numerous group shows and solo exhibitions. My work has also appeared in print editions and the online websites of major magazines and news organizations.

One of my passions is exploring the distinctive neighborhoods of New York City

I have traveled to over 25 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Caribbean including Cuba



Recent Projects

July 29 New York Times, Metropolitan section one photo for the article "Hamilton And The Waterworks Ruse"

New York Neighborhoods

January/February issue of The Magazine Antiques article "Beyond George Washington"  ten photographs

latest work


Interior, exterior and collection object photography at the Morris-Jumel Mansion, New York



Contributing photographer for the book "The Remarkable Rise of Eliza Jumel: A Story of Marriage And Money In The Early Republic" by Margaret Oppenheimer